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XMC.PL-Master - STOP. War in Ukraine. Appeal to Users

24. 8. 2022 23:53

Hello Members,

I wonder how to reach the consciousness of the Russians and make them realize that every day in Ukraine RUSSIAN SOLDIERS DIE and military equipment is being destroyed on a mass scale. Why destroy and demolish when you can build and create a new, better world.
WAR is suffering, crying, sadness and death, do you have any ideas to convince Russians that Vladimir Putin should retire, bask in the sun somewhere in warm countries and end this bloody conflict in Europe.

It is a great idea to select random companies from Russia on Google business cards and add opinions about anti-war content and make people in the country aware that Putin is doing wrong.

Please take a moment to select a random company on the Google map and add your opinion about anti-war content.

It is also worth informing Russians about the possibility of VPN connections because Russia is blocking a lot of content on the Internet and sowing sinister propaganda by not giving people access to real information

Peace be with you!
Thank you
Tomasz Jerzy Michałowski

Neilthync - Link Directory Pro by Neil

24. 8. 2022 15:39

Directory plugin to curate topic based link listings. https://about.me/nailpateil Web directory link building is the process of adding your website's link to an online database (directory) of links.

Donaldchift - Приводим список телефонов к единому формату

24. 8. 2022 8:58

Приводим в порядок базу телефонных номеров клиентов 3-мя способами:
1. Нормализация телефонных номеров в Excel (B2 - это адрес ячейки с исходным номером)
2. Нормализация телефонных номеров в Notepad++ через Regexp
Заменяем <>0-9\n|\r|\r\n] на ничего. (заменяем все символы кроме цифр)
Заменяем ^(?:\+7|8|7)(\d10) на +7$1
3. Нормализация телефонных номеров прямо в .txt файле через программу. Этим способом можно обрабатывать огромные списки в несколько миллионов строк.

Roberttip - Hallo, i am wrote about price for reseller

23. 8. 2022 14:27

Hi, I wanted to know your price.

DennisHub - славнецкий вебресурс pipltalk

23. 8. 2022 10:31

правильный вебресурс https://pipltalk.ru/category/white-list/

Roberttip - Aloha wrote about price for reseller

23. 8. 2022 1:24

Hola, quería saber tu precio..

Serjozhathync - Helper program Hrefer

22. 8. 2022 23:21

Important update of XRumer was released, increased x30 times efficiency in compare with previous version https://www.pinterest.de/bettinaweber5/ . Such huge increase of performance and efficiency we got due to added ReCaptcha V3 full support (which is decoded by XEvil 5.0 <Beta>) and a new AI-module for solving of textual captchas. Also we have adjusted logic of processing for popular engines of Blogs and Forums, processing of new posting forums and bypass of honeypot-protection fields.

Wowup - Странный марафон wow!up, кто сталкивался?

22. 8. 2022 20:13

Выиграл в вовап, может кому тоже залетит?
Друзья позвали в игру Wowup, нихрена не понял как, но выиграл iPhone на 4ый день! Короче круто, это говорят была генеральная репетиция перед основным сезоном, https://t.me/+P8XRYGcaVMMzYzhi , вот их паблик - не благодарите!

Leonardnab - prosim thes choose position helpin nou dell

22. 8. 2022 19:30


XrumeRthync - XRumer — multi-functional tool for promotion in different ways on Internet

22. 8. 2022 18:25

This software will help to increase traffic to website to hundreds, thousands times. Program have a rich seven year history, which use experience of professionals in search engine optimization - https://about.me/xrumer Appreciate and use a truly unique and powerful XRumer program, can both professionals and beginners.

EugeneCaf - добрососедский веб ресурс incanto

21. 8. 2022 23:30

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Olympusthync - Know your target audience: a portrait of online casino players in 2022

21. 8. 2022 20:44

How old is the average online gambler? Where in the world is online gambling participation highest? How many online gamblers are female? https://about.me/olympusplayer The harder a question is to answer, the more important it may be for painting a portrait of your target audience. Get to know your players better with our look at the target audience for the iGaming industry of 2022.

Olympusthync - Know your target audience: a portrait of online casino players in 2022

21. 8. 2022 19:14

How old is the average online gambler? Where in the world is online gambling participation highest? How many online gamblers are female? https://about.me/olympusplayer The harder a question is to answer, the more important it may be for painting a portrait of your target audience. Get to know your players better with our look at the target audience for the iGaming industry of 2022.

Pinteresthync - Read Customer Service Reviews of pinterest.com

21. 8. 2022 18:56

Research shows a connection between kids' healthy self-esteem and positive portrayals in media - https://www.pinterest.com/jools0685/ . Parents need to know that Pinterest is a photo-sharing site. To join this digital pin-board site and app, you need to either enter a username and password or sign up using Facebook

Sandra Vovin - časopisy - koupím, prodám, vyměním

21. 8. 2022 16:08

KOUPÍM: časopisy 01/2002, 03/2003, 08/2003, 07/2004, začátky roku 2008. Chybí mi do sbírky už jen tato čísla. Nemusí být s dárkem a nemusí být ani v top stavu, důležitý je zachovalý komiks.
Některá čísla jsem ale nechtíc koupila dvakrát, proto i prodávám.
PRODÁM: speciál Cornelia a Caleb, 20/2005, 12/2006, 15/2006, 16/2006, 8/2007, 13/2007, 14/2007, 21/2007, 22/2007, 23/2007, 24/2007. Všechny jsou v původním stavu, jen bez dárků.
Vyměním knížku W.I.T.C.H. komiksů 1-3, ale pouze za číslo 1/2002, jinak ne.
Pište na e-mail: sandra.vovin@gmail.com

RonaldRal - By Van Bryan, Editorial Director, Brownstone Research

21. 8. 2022 9:18

One of America’s most accurate tech investors says this tech could trigger https://artevinostudio.com/myphp/buyneurontinonline/ the single biggest financial event since 1602

Playerthync - The most reliable bitcoin sites

20. 8. 2022 20:55

The best casino bonus offer in the world https://about.me/superplayer . At first glance, Playamo offers new players a 100% deposit bonus. But the catch is that this actually applies to a welcome package, which is divided into several bonuses over the course of a week or month.

Playerthync - The most reliable bitcoin sites

20. 8. 2022 17:10

The best casino bonus offer in the world https://about.me/superplayer . At first glance, Playamo offers new players a 100% deposit bonus. But the catch is that this actually applies to a welcome package, which is divided into several bonuses over the course of a week or month.

Playerthync - The most reliable bitcoin sites

20. 8. 2022 12:49

The best casino bonus offer in the world https://about.me/superplayer . At first glance, Playamo offers new players a 100% deposit bonus. But the catch is that this actually applies to a welcome package, which is divided into several bonuses over the course of a week or month.

Warrenneepe - благоустроенный ресурс o-magazin

20. 8. 2022 4:23

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